Cram was Mouth. I spent the fore part of the day in the office I rote A Letter to Wilford& sent him a Draft on the Liverpool office of £20 Twenty Pounds I attended meeting
in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon. Joseph Young spoke in the forenoon
& G. Q. Cannon in the Afternoon 30 minutes, & D. H. Wells 50 minuts. we
met in the prayer circle.
~ Monday
27. I spent the day in preparing to go to the cole bed for cole
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
28. I started at day light with two teams & drove over the summit to
Brother Gates nooned, then drove to Allens coal bed & spent the night 45 miles
I went into the coal bed to see how they dig their coal. it was a danger-
ous business. I slep during the night on some hay under a shed they had
taken out of the mine during the night about 30 tons of coal & in the
^29^ morning when it came my turn to have my waggons loaded they stoped
work & we waited till 3 oclok in the Afternoon before our two waggons
were loaded. we then started on our return home. I got set in a creek
& had to get a team to draw me out. it soon began to rain & we drove
10 miles in the storm & stoped for the night at Brother Brazees.
~ Thursday
230. The ground was frozen this morning we started & drove up silver
creek & while going up the creek I burst a waggon tyre & had
to throw off my load & lock up my wheel & draw it with an
Empty waggon. I soon met a train of Loaded waggons on a
dug way in a Bad place but after considable careful labor we passed
without accident. we soon the stage in a bad place but we passed
that in a bad place it soon began to rain hard but we kept
travelling at Wm Kimballs I stoped & warmed my fingers
at Brother Karkers I stoped & got a pole & fastened my Ex [ox]
on to it & put my waggon wheel in the waggon & drew it in that
way to Brother Gates, whare we arived soaking wet we put our
teams into a good warm stable & brother & Sister Gates received
us kindly gave me some supper we made our beds upon the
floor with some 30 other men who were teamsters & spent the night
~ Friday
Dec 1. we arose this morning in the midst of one of the most
terrible driving snow storm I ever witnessed it looked vary
gloomey there were several teams from Salt Lake going to the
coal beds but they started back for home I left my broaken
waggon & put both span of my animals onto my loaded waggon
Cram was Mouth. I spent the fore part of the day in the office
[FIGURE] I rote A Letter to Wilford& sent him a Draft on the
Liverpool office of £20 Pounds I attended meeting
in the Tabernacle in the Afternoon. Joseph Young spoke in the forenoon
& G. Q. Cannon in the Afternoon 30 minutes, & D. H. Wells 50 minuts. we
met in the prayer circle.
~ Monday
27. I spent the day in preparing to go to the cole bed for cole
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
28. I started at day light with two teams & drove over the summit to
Brother Gates nooned, then drove to Allens coal bed & spent the night 45 miles
I went into the coal bed to see how they dig their coal, it was a dangerous business. I slep during the night on some hay under a shed they had
taken out of the mine during the night about 30 tons of coal & in the
29 morning when it came my turn to have my waggons loaded they stoped
work & we waited till 3 oclok in the Afternoon before our two waggons
were loaded, we then started on our return home. I got set in a creek
& had to get a team to draw me out. it soon began to rain & we drove
10 miles in the storm & stoped for the night at Brother Brazees.
~ Thursday
30. The ground was frozen this morning we started & drove up silver
creek & while going up the creek I burst a waggon tyre & had
to throw off my load & lock up my wheel & draw it with an
Empty waggon. I soon met a train of Loaded waggons on a
dug way in a Bad place but after considerable careful labor we passed
without accident. we soon the stage in a bad place but we passed
that in a bad place it soon began to rain hard but we kept
travelling at Wm Kimballs I stoped & warmed my fingers
at Brother Harkers I stoped & got a pole and fastened my Ex ox
on to it & put my waggon wheel in the waggon & drew it in that
way to Brother Gates, whare we arived soaking wet we put our
teams into a good warm stable & brother & sister Gates received
us kindly gave me some supper we made our beds upon the
floor with some 30 other men who were teamsters & spent the night
~ Friday
Dec 1. [FIGURE] we arose this morning in the midst of one of the most
terrible driving snow storm I ever witnessed it looked vary
gloomey there were several teams from Salt Lake going to the
coal beds but they started back for home I left my broaken
waggon & put both span of my animals onto my loaded waggon
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," November 26, 1865 - December 1, 1865, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 9, 2025,