Sept 20, 1873
I gathered Apples & attended a meeting of the board of Zions Saving Bank
~ Sunday
21. I received 5 Letters from sundry person one from Susan
I attended Meeting in the Afternoon G Q Cannon spoke one hour
I attended the prayer circle but did not dress
~ Monday
22nd I went to the farm & threshed wheat till after dark was vary weary ^6 M[iles]^
~ Tuesday
23 I finished Threshing & assisted Ezra Foss to thresh
~ Wednesday
24. I ground up the sickles preparitory to cuting second crop Grass
~ Thursday
25 Sept 1873 I went to the farm to cut a 5 acre lot of Grass I commenced it & set Brigham at it & he broke one of the
fingers that turn the Grass. we went to the city & got it mended
with a new one. I went to the Historians Office with O. Pratt to attend a
a Blessing meeting but no one came & I returned home took my team
& went to the farm felt all right when I left home but when I arived
at the farm a vary strange feeling came over me I turned out my
Horses & went to bed & I vary soon felt as though I was struck with
death & could not live it seemed to be Paralysis & Death I felt that
I could not live an hour all my Blood, spirit, & life seemed to be leav-
ing my limbs & closing around my heart & vitals & I felt as though I
would soon die I sent for My wife Phebe & Br G. Q. Cannon I
also sent for my Neighbor Br Wm Wagstaff to come & lay hands
upon me. a minute seemed an hour to me Brother Wagstaff finally
came when I felt as though I was about to Give up the Ghost. He
laid hands upon me & I was liberated instaneously. soon Mrs Wood-
ruff G. Q. Cannon & B Yo[u]ng Jr arived they also laid hands upon me
then returned home Mrs Woodruff stoped with me for the night. I
slept quite well
~ Friday
26. I arose this morning quite weak & feeble limbs feeling numb after
Breakfast I returned home to the city with Mrs Woodruff ^6 M^
~ Saturday
Sept 20, 1873
I gathered Apples & attended a meeting of the board of Zions Saving Bank
~ Sunday
21. [FIGURE] I received 5 Letters from sundry person one from Susan
I attended Meeting in the Afternoon G Q Cannon spoke one hour
I attended the prayer circle but did not dress
~ Monday
22nd I went to the farm & threshed wheat till after dark was vary weary
~ Tuesday
23 I finished Threshing & assisted Ezra Foss to thresh
~ Wednesday
24. I ground up the sickles preparitory to cuting second crop Grass
~ Thursday
25 Sept 1873 I went to the farm to cut a 5 acre lot of Grass I
[FIGURE] commenced it & set Brigham at it & he broke one of the
fingers that turn the Grass, we went to the city & got it mended
with a new one. I went to the Historians Office with O. Pratt to attend a
a Blessing meeting but no one came & I returned home took my team
& went to the farm felt all right when I left home but when I arived
at the farm a vary strange feeling came over me I turned out my
Horses & went to bed & I vary soon felt as though I was struck with
death & could not live it seemed to be Paralysis & Death I felt that
I could not live an hour all my Blood, spirit, & life seemed to be leaving my limbs & closing around my heart & vitals & I felt as though I
would soon die I sent for My wife Phebe & Br G. Q. Cannon I
also sent for my Neighbor Br Wm Wagstaff to come & lay hands
upon me, a minute seemed an hour to me Brother Wagstaff finally
came when I felt as though I was about to Give up the Ghost. He
laid Hands upon me & I was liberated instaneously. soon Mrs Woodruff G. Q. Cannon & B Young Jr arived they also laid hands upon me
then returned home Mrs Woodruff stoped with me for the night. I
slept quite well
~ Friday
26. [FIGURE] I arose this morning quite weak & feeble limbs feeling numb after
Breakfast I returned home to the City with Mrs Woodruff
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," September 20, 1873 - September 26, 1873, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025,