The whole population of the Potteries in 1838
was 65000. These potteries are for the ma-
nifactering of English china, crockery,
& stone ware of every description
We visited Hanley & sup'd at Brother William Benbow's at Hanley Market place,
Staffordshire Potteries. Keeper of provision
store. Brother Benbow was not at home
but we were much pleased with
his Lady Sister Ann Benbow, she was
strong in faith & manifested much
interest at our arivel to England from
America. We preached at Brother Woods
in New Castle & spent the night at
Elder Cordons in Burslem distance 5 mil
The whole population of the Potteries in 1838
was 65000. These potteries are for the manifactering of English China, Crockery
& stone ware of every description
We visited Hanley & Sup'd at Brother
William Benbow's at Hanley Market Place,
Staffordshire Potteries. Keeper of Provision
Store. Brother Benbow was not at home
but we were much pleased with
his Lady Sister Ann Benbow, she was
Strong in faith & manifested much
interest at our arivel to England from
America. We preached at Brother Woods
in New Castle & spent the night at
Elder Cordons in Burslem distance 5 mil
~ Thursday
23rd [FIGURE] I wrote a Letter to Elder Wm
Clayton at Manchester. We Dined at
Brother George Simpsons. We held a
prayer meetings at Elder Cordens & had an
interesting time
~ Friday
24th I preached at night at the house of Br
Wm Hume in Canning Street, in Stoke Elder Turley
followed me 2 came forward for Baptizm &c
~ Saturday
25 Saturday I spent the day in Burslem meeting at Cordons
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," January 22, 1840 - January 25, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 20, 2024,