25 I spent the day at home choreing & attended A council in the Evening in the City hall I received a letter from David
~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday
26, , 28. I spent the time husking corn & putting up fodder
~ Friday
29. I came to the City spent several hours with Col Saxe Paid him $145
the remainder of Smith Note which settles all account with Col Saxe
I spent the Evening at Col Littles with Gen Thomas L CKane accompanied
By his wife & 2 children I had a vary plesant interview with him
~ Saturday
30. I called upon Brother Pettits in the morning I met with the board of Directors
of the D. A. & M Society in the Evening
~ Sunday
Dec 1, 1872 Sunday I called upon Brower Pettit then took Bulah & Eleanor
to See Dr Plant the Noted worm Doctor he had preserved in Bottles of Alchahol
near 50 specimins of tape worms, toads & horrid looking monsters which
he had brought away from the human systim. I went to the field &
Blessed Emma's child Named Abram Owen. I attended G. A. Smith prayer
Circle at 102 oclok & my own Prayer Circle at 1 o'clok I Preached in the 12 ward
at 2 oclok I met with the 12 for prayer at 4 oclok I spent the Evening
with Brower Pettit
~ Monday
^2nd I Attended the Theological school in the Evening. I rode
during the day to sessions settlement, with Rockwood, Wallace, & Eldridg in all 30 M[iles]^
~ Tuesday
23rd I shelled 20 bushels of corn, called upon Presidet Young in the Evening
& attended the Theater to listen to the play of Ingama
8. Sunday I met with my prayer Circle in the forenoon & was
in the Endowment House at 1 oclok & administered the 2nd Anointing
I met with the Twelve for prayer in the Evening & walked to the farm
~ Monday
9 I Butchered 2 Hogs at the farm walked home & attended a Meeting
in the Theological Council at City Hall
~ Tuesday
10. I walked to the field in the morning left Eleanor Beaty vary
sick with fits or convulsion we administered to her I spent the night
at the farm 6 M[iles]
~ Wednesday
11 I walked to the city paid $50 cash Tithing to Edward Hunter
& spent the Evening with President Young He is Expecting to start
South in the Morning He was vary busy
~ Monday
Nov 25, 1872
25 I spent the day at home choreing & attended A council in the Evening in the
[FIGURE] City hall I received a letter from David
~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday
26, , 28. I spent the time husking corn & putting up fodder
~ Friday
29. I came to the City spent several hours with Col Saxe Paid him $145
the remainder of Smith Note which settles all account with Col Saxe
I spent the Evening at Col Littles with Gen Thomas LKane accompanied
By his wife & 2 children I had a vary plesant interview with him
~ Saturday
30. I called upon Brother Pettits in the morning I met with the board of Directors
of the D. A. & M Society in the Evening
~ Sunday
Dec 1, 1872 Sunday I called upon Brower Pettit then took Bulah & Eleanor
to See Dr Plant the Noted worm Doctor he had preserved in Bottles of Alchahol
near 50 specimins of tape worms, toads & horrid looking monsters which
he had brought away from the human systim. I went to the field &
Blessed Emma's child Named Abram Owen. I attended G. A. Smith prayer
Circle at 12 oclok & my own Prayer Circle at 1 o'clok I Preached in the 12 ward
at 2 oclok I met with the 12 for prayer at 4 oclok I spent the Evening
with Brower Pettit
~ Monday
2nd I Attended the Theological school in the Evening. I rode
during the day to sessions settlement, with Rockwood, Wallace, & Eldridg in all 30 Miles
~ Tuesday
3rd I shelled 20 bushels of corn, called upon Presidet Young in the Evening
& attended the Theater to listen to the play of Ingama
~ Wednesday
4. [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to J. E. Johnson & Sarah & concluded to be
at Wasatch on Monday the 16 inst
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
5 & 6 I spent the time at home choreing
~ Saturday
7. I went to Mill & to the farm & back found Emma sick. 8 Miles
I spent the Evening at J C Littles with Gen T.L.Kane & E Smith
& H Stout conversing upon the Laws of Utah
~ Sunday
8. Sunday I met with my prayer Circle in the forenoon & was
in the Endowment House at 1 oclok & administered the 2nd Anointing
I met with the Twelve for prayer in the Evening & walked to the farm
~ Monday
9 I Butchered 2 Hogs at the farm walked home & attended a Meeting
in the Theological Council at City Hall
~ Tuesday
10. I walked to the field in the morning left Eleanor Beaty vary
sick with fits or convulsion we administered to her I spent the night
at the farm 6 Miles
~ Wednesday
11 I walked to the city paid $50 cash Tithing to Edward Hunter
& spent the Evening with President Young He is Expecting to start
South in the Morning He was vary busy
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," November 25, 1872 - December 11, 1872, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 15, 2024, https://www.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/68Xl