May 31. I went to the office spent a few hours & wrote
up this Journal was not vary well Returned at 2 oclok
~ Thursday
June 1. I went to the office, Met with quite a number
of the Brethren upon various subjects I staid at the
office untill 2 oclock then I went to the Temple
& met with the Presidency & Twelve we discussed
the question of continuing the SaltairRR. to Loss Angels
On Sunday ^April 30th^ the 7 of May when I lay at the point of Death
and was breathing my Last No one thought I would
Live. Thousands of the Saints were Praying for me
and there Prayers were heard & Answered and the
Lord saved my life for a little Longer
~ Friday
2 I went to the office & gave to John Jaques $744.40
to make my first Payment on Paving the Road on
the East Side of the Valley House I wrote a letter to J C Hatch
~ Saturday
3 I went to the city with Emma & done some traidng
~ Sunday
4. Sunday I spent the day at home
~ Monday
5 I went to the office Received 2 letters we were
visited by Dr Richard Bieber & his of Berlin Jemay [Germany]
she is a countess we Met with Zions Savings
Bank as stock Holders & Reappointed for the
next 2 years the same officers that are now
Acting we had many visitor to day
May 31. I went to the office spent a few hours & wrote
up this Journal was not vary well Returned at 2 oclok
~ Thursday
June 1. I went to the office, Met with quite a number
of the Brethren upon various subjects I staid at the
office untill 2 oclock then I went to the Temple
& met with the Presidency & Twelve [FIGURE] we discussed
the question of continuing the Saltair RR. to Loss Angels
On Sunday April 30th May when I lay at the point of Death
and was breathing my Last No one thought I would
Live. Thousands of the Saints were Praying for me
and there Prayers were heard & Answered and the
Lord saved my life for a little Longer
~ Friday
2 I went to the office & gave to John Jaques $744.40
to make my first Payment on Paving the Road on
the East Side of the Valley House I wrote a letter
[FIGURE] to J C Hatch
~ Saturday
3 I went to the city with Emma & done some traidng
~ Sunday
4. Sunday I spent the day at home
~ Monday
5 I went to the office Received 2 letters we were
visited by Dr Richard Bieber & his of Berlin Jemay Germany
she is a countess we Met with Zions Savings
Bank as stock Holders & Reappointed for the
next 2 years the same officers that are now
Acting we had many visitor to day
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," May 31, 1893 - June 5, 1893, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025,