the gospel & knowing the signs do follow,
then I ask does these things harm any one, No
they do not. In speaking of the kingdom of
God, He said the kingdom must be together
the people must be together, & gatherd into
one place. For How would the king of france
or England look undertaking to reign over a
kingdom when the people were scatterd all
over the world except in france or England
they could not reign over a people unless a people
were with those kings to reign over, so with the
Saints they must be gatherd together & this work has
already commenced, & who is the Author of this
work & gathering, Josephs Smith the Prophet of
God as an instrument in the hands of God is the
Author of it, he is the greatest man on earth
No other man of this age has power to
assemble such a great people from all the Nations
of the earth with all their varied dispositions
as assimulate them & cement them together
so that they will be subject to rule & order
this the Prophet is doing & what makes a
great king president or man is to have a
great People to rule over.
We had an
interesting time through the day. After meetig
closed I went home with Elder Charles Beck
& spent the night
~ Monday
31st Our Quorum assembled together & walked
over Pittsburgh. We first visited Mr Curlings
Glass works & saw them to work through each
branch of it we saw them make pressed, stampd
& ground or cut & plain tumblers & large
jars &c. We next went onto the bluff above
the city & had a view of the New Basin that
the gospel & knowing the signs do follow,
then I ask does these things harm any one, No
they do not. In speaking of the kingdom of
God, he said the kingdom must be together
the people must be together & gatherd into
one place. For how would the king of france
or England look undertaking to reign over a
kingdom when the people were scatterd all
over the world except in france or England
they could not reign over a people unless a people
were with those kings to reign over, so with the
saints they must be gatherd together & this work has
already commenced, & who is the Author of this
work & gathering, Joseph Smith the Prophet of
God as an instrument in the hands of God is the
Author of it, he is the greatest man on earth
No other man of this age has power to
assemble such a great people from all the Nations
of the earth with all their varied dispositions
as assimulate them & cement them together
so that they will be subject to rule & order
this the Prophet is doing & what makes a
great king President or man is to have a
great People to rule over.
We had an
interesting time through the day. After meetig
closed I went home with Elder Charles Beck
& spent the night
~ Monday
31st Our Quorum assembled together & walked
over Pittsburgh. We first visited Mr Curlings
Glass works & saw them to work through each
branch of it we saw them make pressed stampd
& ground or cut & plain tumblers & large
jars &c. We next went onto the bluff above
the City & had a view of the New Basin that
"Journal (January 1, 1843 – December 31, 1844)," July 30, 1843 - July 31, 1843, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 15, 2024,