Letter to Ozem Woodruff, June 1861


Letter to Ozem Woodruff, June 1861
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    Get the Delaware grape the Best for Eating & wine Concord is good & Hartford prolific Diana Good Great Salt Lake City Jan 5 1861 Brother Ozem Woodruff Dear Sir I Received your vary interesting Letter under Date of Nov 24th 1860 And you may be assured that it was a great treat to me you are the ownly person upon the Earth of all relations who holds any correspondance with me by writing except I have occasionally got a letter from Ozem Thompson ...
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    that she has written to her. We were glad to hear from so many of our Connecticut Relations you spent about my not being able to Read your writing I have no difficulty whatever in reading your writing not near as much as you will have in Reading mine I do but vary little common Hand writing I am officiating as the (assistant) Historian of the Church in compiling the History of the Church I have been Employed in this business for some five years and I Employ clerks to do ...
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    would call upon Great Britton to defend them against the Northern States & gGreat Britton would call upon other Nations to Defend them against other Nations & this war would be poured out upon all Nations & the Slaves would be marshaled in battel many against their masters. [Doctrine and Covenants 87:1-4] And the Remnant of the Lamanites would also go forth among the Gentiles & devour them like the Lion among the flocks of sheep & this war would End in the Death & misery of many souls, & the ...
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    probally this period may not be more than ten years distant Yet there is an awful scenes of things of war Blood & Judgment to pass over the United States Before that time yes it will make the ears of men tingle to hear the report of it the United States do not know what await them No more than the Jews did before the Destruction of Jerrusalem and they will not believe it though man Declair it unto them but they will soon both see & feel it or the Lord never spake by my mouth ...
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    become one universal sink of iniquity & gambling Hell from the president of the United States to the lowest affairs the government including nine tenth of the priests of the day and think that God will not destroy them Ah He will & this spedily They are like the ox young to the slaughter but know not the day of their visitation. The priests & people have cryed out against the Latter Day Saints for the last 30 years But the Latter Day Saints are the Kingdom of God that Daniel saw & they ...
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    under Heavens unto Jerrusalem they will Rebuild their city & temple in unbelief & the gentiles Nations will go up to battle aganst them. when that great destruction will take place in the valley of Jehoshaphat as spoken of by Ezekiel. The Latter Day Saints will build up Zion. The Ten tTribes of Israel will be Revealed & come forth from the North country into the land of Zion & Recieve their Endowments & be crowned under the hands of the children of Ephraim the servants of God, & Zion will ...
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    Christian world it would be nonesens they would take a man to be crazy for they are strangers to the truth & they will make lies their Refuge & covering untill itst is swept away by the Judgments of God which is nigh their Door But I must stop leave this subject although my mind is upon it more than any thing Els upon Earth. I wish I could see you and spend a day with you I would value it far above gold. I am well & so is my family we are all blessed with ...