You remarked that if you was expecting A letter
from Brother Azmon I should be pleased to have
you write to me from time to time while I ame
here & should you do so give me the news from
Brother Azmon & his family & our Parents or any other friends
that you should hear from. I have not herd from Brother
Azmon (except a few words from Mother) since I left Liberty, Mo.
Brother Azmon has much changed his religious principles
since I saw & left him what they now are I know not
I receieve a letter while at Missouri from him stating that
he had Left the Church of Latter Day Saints & advised me
to do so. I do not exactly se[e] through his object or meaning
I have nothing against Brother Azmon I wish him well
Soul & Body & all his family I parted with them all in
peace & do not know that he has any thing against me
I left all my property in his hands & gave him power
of Atturney to make use of my name in selling resting
&C. that our creditors might be paid & satisfied I have had no
evil intention in leeving that country I did not run away
nor go away secretly all my neighbours in Richland knew it
I laboured hard before I left & settled with all in that ^country^ or nearly
so except our friends in Connecticut & one would naturally
suppose that $2,000 dollars worth of property out to pay $5.00 [do]llars of debts I am perfectly willing that Br Azmon &
every other man should enjoy his own opinion as to religious
subjects or any other. When Brother Azmon Joined the Church
of Latter Day Saints he was vary strong in the cause in
Believing the Book of Mormon & bearing testimony to the
truth of it & professed to receiev great blessings which I
do not doubt But as respects myself I cannot leeve the
Church & Cause which I have espoused No I to[o] highly prise
those Eternal & Immortal glories to sacrafice them for the
the things of this world which will perish with there using No
Brother Asahel the Church of Latter Day Saints is not a fiction
I have had somthing of a chance to know I have travled
about 1,000 miles with the Prophet & Seer of the Church I have
attended the conferences & been acquainted with the first
Elders of the Church I have herd their teachings & beheld the
the spirit they were of & the gifts & graces which Christ said
should follow the believer (or Signs) are manifest in the
Church for what a person has experianced he knows I have
been made partaker of some of the blessings myself such
as the gifts of healing Tongues & interpetations of tongues for
which I feell to thank God (not wishing to bo^a^st) but acknowledge
that every good & perfect gift cometh from God which is the
same yesterday to day & forever & his Gospel gifts & graces the same
& the same causes produces the same affects to day as Anciently
You remarked that if you was expecting A letter
from Brother Azmon I should be pleased to have
you write to me from time to time while I ame
here & should you do so give me the news from
Brother Azmon & his family & our Parents or any other friends
that you should hear from. I have not herd from Brother
Azmon (except a few words from Mother) since I left Liberty, Mo.
Brother Azmon has much changed his religious principles
since I saw & left him what they now are I know not
I receieve a letter while at Missouri from him stating that
he had Left the Church of Latter Day Saints & advised me
to do so. I do not exactly see through his object or meaning
I have nothing against Brother Azmon I wish him well
Soul & Body & all his family I parted with them all in
peace & do not know that he has any thing against me
I left all my property in his hands & gave him power
of Atturney to make use of my name in selling resting
&C. that our creditors might be paid & satisfied I have had no
evil intention in leeving that country I did not run away
nor go away secretly all my neighbours in Richland knew it
I laboured hard before I left & settled with all in that country or nearly
so except our friends in Connecticut & one would naturally
suppose that $2,000 dollars worth of property out to pay $5.00
dollars of debts I am perfectly willing that Br Azmon &
every other man should enjoy his own opinion as to religious
subjects or any other. When Brother Azmon Joined the Church
of Latter Day Saints he was vary strong in the cause in
Believing the Book of Mormon & bearing testimony to the
truth of it & professed to receiev great blessings which I
do not doubt But as respects myself I cannot leeve the
Church & Cause which I have espoused No I too highly prise
those Eternal & Immortal glories to sacrafice them for the
the things of this world which will perish with there using No
Brother Asahel the Church of Latter Day Saints is not a fiction
I have had somthing of a chance to know I have travled
about 1,000 miles with the Prophet & Seer of the Church I have
attended the conferences & been acquainted with the first
Elders of the Church I have herd their teachings & beheld the
the spirit they were of & the gifts & graces which Christ said
should follow the believer (or Signs) are manifest in the
Church for what a person has experianced he knows I have
been made partaker of some of the blessings myself such
as the gifts of healing Tongues & interpetations of tongues for
which I feell to thank God (not wishing to boast) but acknowledge
that every good & perfect gift cometh from God which is the
same yesterday to day & forever & his Gospel gifts & graces the same
& the same causes produces the same affects to day as Anciently
"Letter to Asahel Hart Woodruff, 11 December 1835," p. 2, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed November 6, 2024,