Discourse 1857-02-22


Discourse 1857-02-22
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    INTELLIGENCE COMES FROM GOD, ETC. INTELLIGENCE COMES FROM GOD—SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD —GREAT CHANGES TO TAKE PLACE ON THE EARTH—ISRAEL OF THE LAST DAYS—WHY THE JEWS CANNOT BE CONVERTED. A Discourse by Elder Wilford Woodruff, Delivered in the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City, February 22, 1857. I feel it a privilege to bear testi- mony before the Saints to the exhor- tations we have heard this morning from brothers Richards and Wells. We have had good teachings, good counsel, and good doctrine ...
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    Trust in the Lord. JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES. the first thing before us, for if we build up the kingdom of God we build up ourselves, and if we do not we never shall be built up. This is the truth. There seems to be something connect- ed with the kingdom of God and that is righteousness; we are exhorted to seek the righteousness that belongs to it as well as the kingdom itself. The kingdom of God is a righteous kingdom, all its laws are righteous, its government is a righteous govern- ment ...
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    INTELLIGENCE COMES FROM GOD, ETC. on His mercy and I feel we should be faithful and humble, and prove true unto the Lord our God because of this mercy which has been manifested unto us, and we should be very care- ful hereafter, as President Young ex- horted us the last time he spoke con- cerning this people continuing to com- mit sin. He plainly laid before us the consequences of this course; we should let the past suffice wherein we have done anything in which we can- not be justified. I am satisfied ...
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    JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES. strength of the Priesthood to be with us that we may know what to do. And if we will so live before the Lord, the Spirit will reveal to us every day what our duties are; I do not care what it is we are engaged in, we should first find out the will of the Lord and then do it, and then our work will be well done and acceptable before the Lord, but if we take a course against light and against the Spirit of God, we ...
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    INTELLIGENCE COMES FROM GOD, ETC. ment of this great work, but there has been an invisible hand at work for our defence all the time; the wicked have not seen the power that has sustained us, they cannot see the inside machinery that is at work in this kingdom, the nations of the earth cannot understand it, and they never can comprehend it, but the Latter- day Saints understand it, and they know that it is the power of God and the word of God, for the Lord has made proclamations and decrees, and
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    JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES. way will be cast up before them, and they will come to Zion, receive their endowments, and be crowned under the hands of the children of Ephraim, and there are persons before me in this assembly to-day, who will assist to give them their endowments. They will receive their blessings and en- dowments, from under the children of Ephraim, who are the first fruits of the kingdom of God in this dispensa- tion, and the men will have to be or- dained and receive their Priesthood and endowments ...
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    INTELLIGENCE COMES FROM GOD, ETC. branch and tribe of the house of Israel; and when it is restored to them, it must go back with all its gifts, and blessings, and Priesthood which it possessed when it was taken from them. But the Lord has said that in restoring these blessings to the children of Abraham, that He would be inquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them. But from what branch or part of the house of Israel will the Lord look for this petition ...