A Saviour which is Christ the Lord" [Luke 2:10-11] This is the Saviour born in Bethleham of Judea. He said one cause of his ^why I^ taking this tex[t] was ^is^ that a school teacher in gGreat Salt Lake City asked her
whole school if they would tell her whare Jesus was born
born & not one of them could tell her it is true they were
mostly small schollars but there was one almost a man
grown & he could not tell. I think theire is a neglect among
this people in not teaching their children as they should do
the Old & New testament the History of the Prophets & Jesus
& the Apostles And I think it time to teach the people the simple
things of the word of God And this message of Good News is
as necessary to this assembly as it was to the people of Judea
we and our children should read the Bible more than we
do at least Our children should read it untill they should
learn whare Jesus Christ was born & understand his
History I wish to come down to the capacity of children
& if they can understand me their Parents can. Perhaps
almost evry child in these vallies at 8 years old know it
is necessary to be baptized at that age because they have
been taught it by their parents or others but many of
them do not know what they are baptized for. But was
it not for the name of Jesus Christ all our ordinancs
& administrations would be in vain & of no Effect for
if we did not Baptize in the name of Jesus Christ our sins
would not be remitted & if we did not lay on handsoin
his name for the Holy Ghost or the Healing of the sick the
candidate would not receive the Holy Ghost nor the sick be Healed
for their is no other name given under Heaven whareby
men can be saved [2 Nephi 25:20] we have no promise of obtaining any
blessing from God except through & in his name. then it is
vary important that we sh& our children should understand
his life & History. some do not know whether He was born
in Asia or America. Jesus Christ told his deciples that He
had other sheep which were not of this fold [John 10:16] (those in Jerrusalem)
He came to this continant descended from Heaven & stood
in the midst of a congregation of Saints that were assembled
to worship God [3 Nephi 11] but He was not born here but He preached
the gospel here after his death, and holding a three days
meeting in Hell & preaching the gospel to the spirits in prison [1 Peter 3:19]
while his body lay in the tomb then rising from the tomb
& asscending into heaven then He descended to this contin-
ant in his immortal body & not ownly preached the Gospel
here among the Nephites but chose twelve Apostles Here [3 Nephi 12:1]
& taught many plain, simple, Great & glorious things the
whole History of which you can read in the Book of mormon
He told the people He was Jesus Christ who was born in Jerrusalem & there crusified for the sins of the world. He told them
He had other sheep yet which were not of this Fold neither
at Jerrusalem but were the lost sheep of the House of Israel He
must also go & visit them [3 Nephi 16:1-3] & when we get the record of of the
Ten lost tribes of Israel we shall get an account of his visit
among them I want to Preach Jesus Christ to you this day
A Saviour which is Christ the Lord" This is the Saviour born in
Bethlehem of Judea. one cause why I taki this text
is that a school teacher in Great Salt Lake City asked her
whole school if they would tell her whare Jesus was born
born & not one of them could tell her it is true they were
mostly small schollars but there was one almost a man
grown & he could not tell. I think there is a neglect among
this people in not teaching their children as they should do
the Old & New testament the History of the Prophets & Jesus
& the Apostles And I think it time to teach the people the simple
things of the word of God And this message of Good News is
as necessary to this assembly as it was to the people of Judea
we and our children should read the Bible more than we
do Our children should read it untill they should
learn whare Jesus Christ was born & understand his
History I wish to come down to the capacity of children
& if they can understand me their Parents can. Perhaps
almost evry child in these vallies at 8 years old know it
is necessary to be baptized at that age because they have
been taught it by their parents or others but many of
them do not know what they are baptized for. But was
it not for the name of Jesus Christ all our ordinances
& administrations would be in vain & of no Effect, for
if we did not Baptize in the name of Jesus Christ our sins
would not be remitted & if we did not lay on hands in
his name for the Holy Ghost or the Healing of the sick the
candidate would not receive the Holy Ghost nor the sick be Healed
for their is no other name given under Heaven whareby
men can be saved we have no promise of obtaining any
blessing from God except through & in his name. then it is
vary important that we& our children should understand
his life & History. some do not know whether He was born
in Asia or America. Jesus Christ told his deciples that He
had other sheep which were not of this fold (those in Jerrusalem)
He came to this continant desended from Heaven & stood
in the midst of a congregation of saints that were assembled
to worship God but He was not born here but He preached
the Gospel here after his death, and holding a three days
meeting in Hell & preaching the gospel to the spirits in prison
while his body lay in the tomb then rising from the tomb
& asscending into heaven then He descended to this continant in his immortal body & not ownly preached the Gospel
here among the Nephites but chose twelve Apostles Here
& taught many plain simple, Great & glorious things the
whole History of which you can read in the Book of mormon
He told the people He was Jesus Christ who was born in
Jerrusalem & there crusified for the sins of the world. He told them
He had other sheep yet which were not of this Fold neither
at Jerrusalem but were the lost sheep of the House of Israel He
must also go & visit them & when we get the record of of the
Ten lost tribes of Israel we shall get an account of his visit
among them I want to Preach Jesus Christ to you this day
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 20, 1855, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 13, 2024, https://www.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/5Nq