closed, Arrowpene the chief that was appointed in Walker plase arose
asked the privilege to speak President Youngalintroduced him to the people
He gave a short but spirited address which was interpeted by Brother Huntington the purport of his Addresse was was texhorting the people
to give heed to the council of President Young if they would do
this & keep the spirit of the Lord they would not be sick & die
as the wicked do but would be healthy the Lord is given you great
blessings in food & rament oxen cows & horses & we should be faithfu[l]
& thankful. I attended the prayer circle in the evening & had a good
time I herd several letters read from Joseph Smith upon the Islands Joseph YoungWmCKimball, G M Grant & others which were vary
interesting & showed that thate spirit of the Fathers was in them
~ Monday
28th I spent most of the day in writing in my Journal
~ Tuesday
29th I wrote 2 letters to I. F. Carter & Edward Partridge
at Kalikiwai Kauai Sandwich Islands I also wrote an acco[unt]
of the Journey of President Young & company south for the Editor of the News
~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday
30, & 31 I spent the time mostly night & dray drawing of[f] the sermons of
President Young which He preached to the people while on his Journey south
I have in my possession my own notes not drawn off of Presidents Kimball
& Grant the nots o[f] MCIntosh & Ellibeck containing the same sermons
or portions of them are in the Hands of the Historian
~ Friday
June 1st I spent this day drawing of[f] the presidents sermons
~ Saturday
2nd I took my wife & children & rode to the city of E T in Toille
Elder Benson had arived a short time before me
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I preached twice to ^the^ inhabitants of E. T. during the
day & brother Benson in the evening & I followed him He also
preached at Grantsville during the day. I spent the night at
Brother Cory's 25 mi[les].
5th I planted potatoes, corn, squashes, pumpkins &c on the
ground whare the grass hoppers had eat up my wheat
~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday
6th to 9th I spent the time wattering garden drawing stone &c
I attended the Universal scientific socity at night
~ Sunday
10th Sunday I spent the fore noon writing the afternoon I attended
we had an interesting discourse deliverd by Dr Richerson on
Saturday Evening upon the subecject of Generation was followed by J. M. Grant & W. Woodruff He made the subject very interesting
& showed that it was of vast importance to posterity that parents
kept good & holesom laws in generation many interesting remarks
were made by Dr Richardson & Grant
closed. Arrowpene the chief that was appointed in Walker plase arose
asked the privilege to speak President Young introduced him to the people
He gave a short but spirited address which was interpeted by Brother
Huntington the purport of his Address was exhorting the people
to give heed to the council of President Young if they would do
this & keep the spirit of the Lord they would not be sick & die
as the wicked do but would be healthy & the Lord is given you great
blessings in food & rament oxen cows & horses & we should be faithful
& thankful. I attended the prayer circle in the evening & had a good
time I herd several letters read from Joseph Smith upon the Islands
Joseph YoungWm Kimball, G M Grant & others which were vary
interesting & showed that the spirit of the Fathers was in them
~ Monday
28th I spent most of the day in writing in my Journal
~ Tuesday
29th [FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to I. F. Carter & Edward Partridge
at Kalikiwai Kauai Sandwich Islands I also wrote an account
of the Journey of President Young & company south for the
Editor of the News
~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday
30, & 31 I spent the time mostly night & day drawing off the sermons of
President Young which He preached to the people while on his Journey south
I have in my possession my own notes not drawn off of Presidents Kimball
& Grant the nots of MCIntosh & Ellibeck containing the same sermons
or portions of them are in the Hands of the Historian
~ Friday
June 1st I spent this day drawing off the Presidents sermons
~ Saturday
2nd I took my wife & children & rode to the city of E T in Toille
Elder Benson had arived a short time before me
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I preached twice to the inhabitants of E. T. during the
day & brother Benson in the evening & I followed him He also
preached at Grantsville during the day. I spent the night at
Brother Cory's 25 mi.
5th I planted Potatoes, corn, squashes, pumpkins &c on the
ground whare the grass hoppers had eat up my wheat
~ Wednesday to ~ Saturday
6th to 9th I spent the time wattering garden drawing stone &c
I attended the Universal scientific society at night
~ Sunday
10th Sunday I spent the fore noon writing the afternoon I attended
We had an interesting discourse deliverd by Dr Richardson on
Saturday Evening upon the subject of Generation was followed by
J. M. Grant & W. Woodruff He made the subject very interesting
& showed that it was of vast importance to posterity that parents
kept good & holesom laws in generation many interesting remarks
were made by Dr Richardson & Grant
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," May 27, 1855 - June 10, 1855, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 13, 2024,