been prophesying against. And while the senators & statesmen from the slaves states meet
in convention and resolve, that if slavery is Abolished or prohibited in the
or the Territories of or , that they will immediately dissolve the
Union, ^&^ lay taxes upon the shipping of the free states. At the same time citizens & statesman of
the free states meet in convention, And Resolve that if those things are not done
that they will dissolve the Union. While these parties are growing more & more
determined & further & wider Apart, still the public mind seem to be blinded as to the
result of these resolutions, And seem ignorant concerning the fruit which will be produced
from the seed of their own sowing. yes they have eyes but see not, ears but hear not, &
hearts but do not understand, while the servants, of God filled with inspiration, can behold
the scene in its true light, And comprehends the result with as much certainty as did
, , & Jesus, each in their day while beholding the conduct of the Antedolouvi-
ans, , or the inhabitants of . And as the words of the Lord
were fulfilled in the former case, in like manner will they be in the latter. During the
past year the Asiatic Cholera one of the plagues of the last days has again made its appe-
arance throughout slaying its tens of thousands. It has Appeared through
& , And just Arived in America. It is in , , ,
, , and nearly all the towns on the the last accounts
say about 100 deaths daily in New Orleans. Crime of evry kind has apparently increased throughout
the United States during the past year, 100 per cent, it appears as though the cup of their
iniquity was full, And the hour of their judgment had come, And that calamity, confusion sorrow
And Death had recieved their commission to visit this land, And in some instances the hearts of man
are begining to fail them for fear of those things coming on the Earth. And their cry is that an awful
uncertainty is resting upon all things. I cannot close my Record upon the signs of the times of 1848
without turning my eye towards Zion, yes Zion, which is not now merely a phantom of the brain or a
name, but actually a living thing, truly she is yet but a babe, just born, yet she has a tabernacle, the mountains
of Israel, her bed is in the chamber of the rocks, her garden one of the rich gard valleys of Ephraim.
She speaks; And her vioice is as the voice of GOD. She has A spirit which burns likes flames of fire
she has power, and has started a little stone a rolling ^from the mountain her habitation^ which increases as it goes, it is causing the Earth
to quake & tremble, take care ye nations it will grind you to dust. She has messangers which go & come
at her bidding, one of them can chase a thousand, & two put ten thousand to flight, they command
the Elements & they obey them. She has an Ensign for the Nations to flee to, she has A law
which will soon govern the Earth. She is born in the generation that had a view of.
O Praise the Lord I am a witness that mine Eyes have beheld her. She has keys to open, And no man
can shut, or shut & no man can open. Her power is from Heaven, whare she has noble senators
who plead her cause both day & night. This is the Zion I seek after, this is the Zion I speak off. Her Church
is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Her city was sought out in 1847. And the Lord
has favored her from that time, And during the year 1848 the Church has been organized with
been prophesying against. And while the senators & statesmen from the slaves states meet
in convention and resolve, that if slavery is Abolished or prohibited in the
or the Territories of or , that they will immediately dissolve the
Union, & lay taxes upon the shipping of the free states. At the same time citizens & statesman of
the free states meet in convention, And Resolve that if those things are not done
that they will dissolve the Union. While these parties are growing more & more
determined & further & wider Apart, still the public mind seem to be blinded as to the
result of these resolutions, And seem ignorant concerning the fruit which will be produced
from the seed of their own sowing. yes they have eyes but see not, ears but hear not, &
hearts but do not understand, while the servants, of God filled with inspiration, can behold
the scene in its true light, And comprehends the result with as much certainty as did
, , & Jesus, each in their day while beholding the conduct of the Antedolouvians, , or the inhabitants of . And as the words of the Lord
were fulfilled in the former case, in like manner will they be in the latter. During the
past year the Asiatic Cholera one of the plagues of the last days has again made its appearance throughout slaying its tens of thousands. It has Appeared through
& , And just Arived in . It is in , , ,
, , and nearly all the towns on the the last accounts
say about 100 death daily in New Orleans. Crime of evry kind has apparently increased throughout
the United States during the past year, 100 per cent, it appears as though the cup of their
iniquity was full, And the hour of their judgment had come, And that calamity, confusion sorrow
And Death had recieved their commission to visit this land, And in some instances the hearts of man
are begining to fail them for fear of those things coming on the Earth. And their cry is that an awful
uncertainty is resting upon all things. I cannot close my Record upon the signs of the times of 1848
without turning my eye towards Zion, yes Zion, which is not now merely a phantom of the brain or a
name, but actually a living thing, truly she is yet but a babe, just born, yet she has a tabernacle, the mountains
of Israel, her bed is in the chamber of the rocks, her garden one of the rich valleys of Ephraim.
She speaks; And her voice is as the voice of GOD. She has A spirit which burns likes flames of fire
she has power, and has started a little stone a rolling from the mountain her habitation which increases as it goes, it is causing the Earth
to quake & tremble, take care ye nations it will grind you to dust. She has messangers which go & come
at her bidding, one of them can chase a thousand, & two put ten thousand to flight, they command
the Elements & they obey them. She has an Ensign for the Nations to flee to, she has A law
which will soon govern the Earth. She is born in the generation that had a view of.
O Praise the Lord I am a witness that mine Eyes have beheld her. She has keys to open, And no man
can shut, or shut & no man can open. Her power is from Heaven, whare she has noble senators
who plead her cause both day & night. This is the Zion I seek after, this is the Zion I speak of. Her Church
is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Her city was sought out in 1847. And the Lord
has favored her from that time, And during the year 1848 the Church has been organized with