I spent the day in the garden & went to my field at night with
my Teams to prepare for threshing
~ Tuesday
Sept 1. I had my Grain threshed to day I had 226 Bushels
of wheat 17 of Oats & 36 of Barley I felt vary thankful
to get so much grain considering that we had so many
grass hoppers through the whole season, to destroy the crops
of the Earth. I returned to the City at night
~ Wednesday
2nd I paid my tithing of Oats Barley & wheat to day
then went to the field & spent the day
~ Thursday
3rd I spent this day mowing weeds around my 20 acre farm
I cut down the sun flowers & milk weeds both in the street
& in the lot I was vary tiered at night I walked home to the City
~ Friday
Aug [Sept] 4, 1868 I was sick this morning But I
started in company with Brother Day & G Q Cannon to go
to Grantsville to hold a 2 days Meeting soon after I started
the Hives came out upon me all over & I felt as though
I was in a Bed of Nettles. When I got to E. T. City I
took a light dinner & went to bed. A Meeting was held
in the Bowery ^at E. T. City^ G A. Smith preached 30 M[inutes]. Presid[en]t Young made a few rem[arks] also A. M. Musser spoke a few words
we then drove 10 miles an hour to Grants ville I spent
the night at Brother Hales Presid[en]t Young & others stoped with
Bishop Rhobery 38 miles
~ Saturday
5 Meeting was Held in the Meeting House at 10 oclok A M Musser Prayed G Q. Cannon spoke 45 minutes
President Joseph Young spoke 48 m[inutes]. Afternoon W. Woodruff
Prayed G. A. Smith spoke one hour Presid[en]t Young45m[inutes]
He asked the Question what have we come to these mountains for
I took supper with Brother Rhobery. We held a Meeting in
the Evening President Joseph Young occupied most of the time
about one hour in treating upon Music & finding fault with
the Quires J. F. Smith followed half an hour.
~ Sunday
6th Sunday Prayer By J. F. SmithJoseph W Young spoke 40 m[inutes]
W Woodruff 36 minutes (& made the chips fly all around)
Joseph F Smith spoke 14 m[inutes] G. Q. Cannon spoke 15 G. A. Smith
12 m[inutes] & President Young 38 Minutes we drove to S L City in 4 H[ours] 38 m[iles]
~ Monday
Aug 31, 1868
I spent the day in the garden & went to my field at night with
my Teams to prepare for threshing
~ Tuesday
Sept 1. I had my Grain threshed to day I had 226 Bushels
of wheat 17 of Oats & 36 of Barley I felt vary thankful
to get so much grain considering that we had so many
grass hoppers through the whole season, to destroy the crops
of the Earth. I returned to the City at night
~ Wednesday
2nd I paid my tithing of Oats Barley & wheat to day
then went to the field & spent the day
~ Thursday
3rd I spent this day mowing weeds around my 20 acre farm
I cut down the sun flowers & milk weeds both in the street
& in the lot I was vary tiered at night I walked home to the City
~ Friday
Aug Sept 4, 1868 I was sick this morning But I
started in company with Brother Day & G Q Cannon to go
to Grantsville to hold a 2 days Meeting soon after I started
the Hives came out upon me all over & I felt as though
I was in a Bed of Nettles. When I got to E. T. City I
took a light dinner & went to bed. A Meeting was held
in the Bowery at E. T. City G. A. Smith Preached 30 Minutes President
Young made a few remarks also A. M. Musser spoke a few words
we then drove 10 miles an hour to Grants ville I spent
the night at Brother Hales President Young & others stoped with
Bishop Rhobery 38 miles
~ Saturday
5 Meeting was Held in the Meeting House at 10 oclok
A M Musser Prayed G. Q. Cannon spoke 45 minutes
President Joseph Young spoke 48 minutes Afternoon W. Woodruff
Prayed G. A. Smith spoke one hour President Young 45 minutes
He asked the Question what have we come to these mountains for
I took supper with Brother Rhobery. We held a Meeting in
the Evening President Joseph Young occupied most of the time
about one hour in treating upon Music & finding fault with
the Quires J. F. Smith followed half an hour.
~ Sunday
6th Sunday Prayer By J. F. SmithJoseph W Young spoke 40 minutes
W Woodruff 36 minutes (& made the chips fly all around)
Joseph F Smith spoke 14 minutes G. Q. Cannon spoke 15 G. A. Smith
12 minutes & President Young 38 Minutes we drove to S L City in 4 Hours 38 minutes
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," August 31, 1868 - September 6, 1868, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 18, 2025, https://www.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/n5zR