It is snowing most of the day I called upon President G. A. Smith
in the morning had some conversation with him I then called upon
President Young & spent Near an hour with him I Bid him a happy
New Year after conversing a short time with him I took John Henry
Smith & went to the City Hall & visited Hosea Stout, Brother Blythe, B Y
Hampton & Wm Kimball who were in Prision under indiptment for
Murder By the U. S. Judges Not Because they were guilty of any such
crime But to open the Bell of persecution against the Latter Day Saints
from visiting them I called upon Elder John Taylor whom I found
quite unwell. He spoke of visiting President Young
This year has opened upon us with Persecution in our path there are
several inditements for Murder, got out By the court against Brigham
Young, D. H. Wells & quite a Number of others to commence a series of
persecutions against the Church & we are bordering upon an important
era & we have to look to the Lord for our Deliverance he has fought
our Battles thus far & He will continue to do it. Evry year now
is big with events this year opens with many of our leading men
in bonds or imprisionment for the word of God & Testimony of Jesus Christ
The President of the United States U. S. Grant has like Phario set himself
up to destroy Israel & taken a stand against the Church & Kingdom
of God & determined to Destroy the Church & Kingdom of God
from off the Earth. But I say in the Name of Jesus Christ as
An Apostle of the Lord Jesus in this last dispensation & fulness
of times, that the wrath & indignation of the Lord of Hosts shall
rest upon President Grant, & all associated with him against
Zion as it did against Phariaoh in the days of Moses
and the curse of God shall rest upon him and I say unto
Wilford Woodruff the Journalist of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter day Saints to watch & record hereafter the History of
U. S. Grant & Judge McCain of Utah & see what there End
will be I spe
~ Tuesday
2nd Jan I spent most of the forenoon at President Youngs office at about 11 oclok A.M. Patrrick the United States Marshall
came to Presidents Youngs office & served an Inditement upon him
for Murders I was present at 2 oclok President Young & counci surrou-
nded By his Friends his concellors the Twelve & the leading Men of the
~ Monday
Jan 1, 1872
It is snowing most of the day I called upon President G. A. Smith
in the morning had some conversation with him I then called upon
President Young & spent Near an hour with him I Bid him a happy
New Year after conversing a short time with him I took John Henry
Smith & went to the City Hall & visited Hosea Stout, Brother Blythe, B Y
Hampton & Wm Kimball who were in Prision under indiptment for
Murder by the U. S. Judges Not Because they were guilty of any such
crime But to open the Bell of persecution against the Latter Day Saints
from visiting them I called upon Elder John Taylor whom I found
quite unwell. He spoke of visiting President Young
This year has opened upon us with Persecution in our path there are
several inditements for Murder, got out By the court against Brigham
Young, D. H. Wells & quite a Number of others to commence a series of
Persecutions against the Church & we are bordering upon an important
Era & we have to look to the Lord for our Deliverance he has fought
our Battles thus far & He will continue to do it. Evry year now
is big with Events this year opens with many of our leading men
in bonds or imprisionment for the word of God & Testimony of Jesus Christ
The President of the United States U. S. Grant has like Phario set himself
up to destroy Israel & taken a stand against the Church & Kingdom
of God & determined to Destroy the Church & Kingdom of God
from off the Earth. But I say in the Name of Jesus Christ as
An Apostle of the Lord Jesus in this last dispensation & fulness
of times, that the wrath & indignation of the Lord of Hosts shall
rest upon President Grant, & all associated with him against
Zion as it did against Pharaoh in the days of Moses
and the curse of God shall rest upon him and I say unto
Wilford Woodruff the Journalist of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter day Saints to watch & Record hereafter the History of
U. S. Grant & Judge McCain of Utah & see what there End
will be
~ Tuesday
FIGURES 2nd Jan I spent most of the forenoon at President Youngsoffice at about 11 oclok A. M. Patrrick the United States Marshall
came to Presidents Youngs office & Served an Inditement upon him
for Murders I was present at 2 oclok President Young & counci surrounded By his Friends his concellors the Twelve & the leading Men of the
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"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," January 1, 1872 - January 2, 1872, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025,