Letter from Leonard Wilford Hardy, 1 March 1847 [LE-39679]

Document Transcript

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East Bradford

My Dear Brother Woodruff

it is with pleasure
I take up my pen to write to one who is so
near to my Heart as you are and tel you some
of my present feelings and to Let you know
I have not forgotten you and your Dear family
since I Left you in Liverpool things have
taken strange overturns in the Church in Georgetown
at Father Holmeses I suppose you have heard that
the old man & Woman have been cut off from the
Church before this time and the meetings moved
to Bradford and Brother Mitton has got maried
and he has Left the meetings he has not
Attended more than 7 or 8 meetings since
we arived home from England and is as
flat as you please and I have but verry little
hopes of ever raising him again his Wife is
A Real Apostate and as bold as the Devil,
Father Holmes & Wife are Strang ites and some
few of the Church that partook of his spirit
we have about 20 Scattered members that
are true hearted Saints here and they are
placed under my charge and I hope I
shall be able to save them and bring
them to Zion I feel to rejoice still in
^the^ Work of God, I am the same as when you
had me in England, and I pray that I may
always be found true to the cause of God,
and my Brethren, that they may know
where to find me at all times. I feel Dissatified
belcause I cannot come to Zion this spring, but
I am poor, but I shall come if faithful,
for you said I should, and I believe it with
all my Heart, What say you Brother Woodruff
I think you will say Yea and Amen.

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I have recieved by the Last Steamer 2 Letters
statings that all things were moveing on well in
England at the present time stating that Brothers
Pratt & Taylor and 12 more of Brethren & Sisters
started on the 13th of January for New Orleenes
was out about 7 Days and was blown back
to Liverpool again and they did not state
whether they had started again or not all things
they say move on well but I was Sorry to
hear of the troubles that took place after your
Departure but I remember what you said to
me when in England for I am shure you could
not apointed A man that the Saints had so mutch
confidence in as they had in Brothe Hedlock
but he has sold his birthright for A mess
of Potage as many others have Done what fools,
Dear Brother I have not forgotten the good times
I have had with you and your family, and
the Saints in England I should like to go
again and bring them to Zion for they
are near my Heart I have kept up A
corespondence with them Ever since I came
Home and they all wright they wish me
to come and stay with them Longer than
I did before I ^feel^ thankfull to my Heavenly Father
that the Saints have not forgotten me
in England Sister Hoolbrooks family even
well the Last news but she has been
very sick has been put to bed & Lost
her child, since you Left Brother & Sister
Sheldon and all the ^Saints^ wished to be remembered
to you & family if an opportunity was given
I feel glad that the saints are well united
and they say the saints in the Preston conference
are the same as When I Left and you know how that was

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I have been Laboring under the Direction of
J. C. Little through your recommendation and
you may ask him about me if you please
I will say that Brothe Little is A faithfull man
and worthy of confidence and I Like him for his
Determined Spirit to go ahead he aint afraid of the
Devil and all his Army he is my particular
friend and you can ask him all about Leonard.
I want you to write me A Long Letter if there
is any way to send it to me and give me all
the instruction you have to impart to sutch
an unworthy Brother as I am for A Letter from
you will be joyfully recieved by me I Do
asshure you I Long to hear from you but I
Long more to behold your face I wish you
to give my Love to Broth Brigham and the
rest of your Quorum and all the Saints that
may enquire after me please to write to me
all the circumstances about the Death of Brothe
& Sister Jonathan H Hale for there is many
reports about them here and their friends
often enquires of me about them and if you
write I can tel them and know myself
all the Saints wishes to be remembered to you
& family. My Wife & family joines with
me in sending our best Love and respects to
you & Sister Woodruff & family I having
nothing more to write ^and^ must say these Lines Leave
me well and mine and I hope they will find you
and yours the same (6 that (Chrismas Pudding)
I have not forgotten tell Sister Woodruff
I Remain your Brothe in the New
and Everlasting Covenant of the Gospel
forgive all mistakes

Leonard Hardy

to Wilford Woodruff Esq

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Leonard W Hardy
March 1st 1847

To Elder Wilford Woodruff
AtTo the Camp of Isreal
in the Wilderness