two since I would have been glad to have seen you I
hope the day may come when you may have the privelege
of fully investigating the cause in which I am engaged for
I believe your honesty & dissermment would lead you
to imbrace it I have found one thing to be true that
when we seek first the Kingdom of God all things els mecessary
will be added. I should consider it one of the greatest blessings
on earth to have you & the rest of my Kinsman become
members of the Church of Latter day Saints & why I
desire it is because I know it to be the true Church
of Christ & my friends would be exhalted before
God & receieve blessings that fadeth not away I certanly
could have no motive to desire my friends to receieve
darkness or error But I certainly have a chance [&]
know the reality of these things as well at least as those
who are out of the Church & not been privileged
with as closan close an inspection as myself yea & even
our enemies in this county are beginning to acknowl[edge]
of a truth it is in vain to raise their hands against [page torn]
great ene[mies] await us I would to God my friends were [page torn]
for them this world is passing the things of time are transitory
the things of the Celestial Kingdom [a]re eternal & worth possessing
I desire to meet you there. My hart hath also been much
penetrated for Brother Azmon I have loved that Brother I love
him yet I shall still plead before God for him I have
no other than the best of feelings towards him Although I am
ignorant of his feelings towards me the Lord knows I wish
all of my relatives well & if they knew what I know ^not wishing to boast^ they would
be up & doing but as it was in the days of Lot & Noah so will it
be when Christ apperars. [Matthew 24:37] Is it possible that I cannot have a
natural Brother [to] partake with me the glory of God in these
last Days I have thought the former Dealings of God with you
was preparing you for theis great work I trust time will yet
proove it to be so I shall pray for it at least write to me when
convnent Direct to KirtlandOhio (this place) if you have
opportunity call & see me it would be a great privelege to me
yours with the best of feelings & wishes
two since I would have been glad to have seen you I
hope the day may come when you may have the privelege
of fully investigating the cause in which I am engaged for
I believe your honesty & dissermment would lead you
to imbrace it I have found one thing to be true that
when we seek first the Kingdom of God all things els mecessary
will be added. I should consider it one of the greatest blessings
on earth to have you & the rest of my Kinsman become
members of the Church of Latter day Saints & why I
desire it is because I know it to be the true Church
of Christ & my friends would be exhalted before
God & receieve blessings that fadeth not away I certanly
could have no motive to desire my friends to receieve
darkness or error But I certainly have a chance &
know the reality of these things as well at least as those
who are out of the Church & not been privileged
with as close an inspection as myself yea & even
our enemies in this county are beginning to acknowledge
of a truth it is in vain to raise their hands against page torn
great enemies await us I would to God my friends were page torn
for them this world is passing the things of time are transitory
the things of the Celestial Kingdom are eternal & worth possessing
I desire to meet you there. My hart hath also been much
penetrated for Brother Azmon I have loved that Brother I love
him yet I shall still plead before God for him I have
no other than the best of feelings towards him Although I am
ignorant of his feelings towards me the Lord knows I wish
all of my relatives well & if they knew what I know not wishing to boast they would
be up & doing but as it was in the days of Lot & Noah so will it
be when Christ apperars. Is it possible that I cannot have a
natural Brother to partake with me the glory of God in these
last Days I have thought the former Dealings of God with you
was preparing you for this great work I trust time will yet
proove it to be so I shall pray for it at least write to me when
convnent Direct to KirtlandOhio (this place) if you have
opportunity call & see me it would be a great privelege to me
yours with the best of feelings & wishes
"Letter to Asahel Hart Woodruff, 29 November 1836," p. 3, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 19, 2024,