July 24th Mrs Woodruff feels quite unwell to day I spent the day at re[st] [page covered]
~ Tuesday
25th Mrs Woodruff feels some better today in health she and her
sister Rhoda laboured hard all day at the wash tubs. While Br Car[ter] [page covered]
& myself was busy in makeing the grave stone for our child
~ Wednesday
26th I went out in the morning with Mr Scammans gun & shot
4 times & Killed 5 prairie chickens we hoed potatoes in the
Afternoon Mr[s] Woodruff expressed her feelings concerning the lo[ss] [page covered]
of her children & refused to be comforted because of her children
which were taken away
~ Thursday
27th I was unwell this morning spent the day quietly
~ Friday
28 [FIGURE]Luther Scammans had 18 acres of stout wheat in
the shock which he wanted to stack so he rigged two teams
And I took them into the field And during this day I
pitched onto waggons the wheat which grew on twelve
acres of Ground & A young man loaded it for me. Brothers
Scammans & Carter put it into stacks as fast as we brought
it in. good judges of grain said it would yield 25 bushels to
the acre that being the case it would make 300 shock of
wheat that I pitched onto the waggons in one day making 3600
bundles, it was A vary hot day And I was not in good health
it was As much as A well man ought to have done in two days And
it was imprudent in me doing it As I had done no hard labour for
A length of time. At night I was sore from the crown of my
head to the souls of my feet I went to bed my nerves were so
unstrung I could not sleep at all
~ Saturday
29th I was sore with my labour yesterday yet I exercised some
Mr Scammans with two teams drew up the remaining 6 acres
of wheat to day & stacked it
31st Left Mr Scammans house to continue our Journey to Chicago
by land Mr Scammans carried us in his waggon we travled
28 miles & put up for the night
~ Tuesday
Aug 1st Travled 40 miles & put up for the night
~ Wednesday
2nd We rode 32 miles Arived at Chicago at 2 oclock
distance from Lamoile to Chicago 100 miles
we went on Board of the Steemer Missouri St Louis
for Buffalo & spent the night expenses to Chicago $3.40
paid L Scammans for passage $5.50
[Total] $8.90
~ Thursday
3rd A hard storm of wind & rain through the night
we left Chicago at 3 oclok
~ Friday
4th we touched at Milwake & other places during the day at
night the wind arose & the Lake was vary rough the Captain
said it was the roughtest time He ever saw in August
there seems to be some fatality attending my journeying
~ Monday
July 24th Mrs Woodruff feels quite unwell to day I spent the day at rest
~ Tuesday
25th Mrs Woodruff feels some better today in health she and her
Sister Rhoda laboured hard all day at the wash tubs. While Br Carter
& myself was busy in making the grave stone for our child
~ Wednesday
26th I went out in the morning with Mr Scammans gun & shot
4 times & Killed 5 prairie chickens we hoed potatoes in the
afternoon Mrs Woodruff expressed her feelings concerning the loss
of her children & refused to be comforted because of her children
which were taken away
27th I was unwell this morning spent the day quietly
~ Friday
28 [FIGURE] Luther Scammans had 18 acres of stout wheat in
the shock which he wanted to stack so he rigged two teams
and I took them into the field and during this day I
pitched onto waggons the wheat which grew on twelve
acres of ground & a young man loaded it for me, Brothers
Scammans & Carter put it into stacks as fast as we brought
it in. good judges of grain said it would yield 25 bushels to
the acre that being the case it would make 300 shock of
wheat that I pitched onto the waggons in one day making 3600
bundles, it was a vary hot day and I was not in good health
it was as much as a well man ought to have done in two days and
it was imprudent in me doing it as I had done no hard labour for
a length of time. At night I was sore from the crown of my
head to the souls of my feet I went to bed my nerves were so
unstrung I could not sleep at all
~ Saturday
29th I was sore with my labour yesterday yet I exercised some
Mr Scammans with two teams drew up the remaining 6 acres
of wheat to day & stacked it
31st Left Mr Scammans house to continue our journey to Chicago
by land Mr Scammans carried us in his waggon we travled
28 miles & put up for the night
~ Tuesday
Aug 1st Travled 40 miles & put up for the night
~ Wednesday
2nd We rode 32 miles arived at Chicago at 2 oclock
distance from Lamoile to Chicago 100 miles
we went on Board of the Steemer St Louis
for Buffalo & spent the night expenses to Chicago $3.40
paid L Scammons for passage $5.50
~ Thursday
3rd A hard storm of wind & rain through the night
we left Chicago at 3 oclok
~ Friday
4th we touched at Milwake & other places during the day at
night the wind arose & the Lake was vary rough the Captain
said it was the roughest time he ever saw in August
there seems to be some fatality attending my journeying
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," July 24, 1848 - August 4, 1848, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://www.wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/n5AW