Sister in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and by the Power of the Holy Priesthood which
God hath confered upon me I lay my hands on thy head &
place a seal on thy forward and if thou art faithful and
keep the commandments of God No power shall take it
off it shall be a seal against the destroyer No blessings
in heaven shall be twoo great for thee Thou hast thought
much on thy Redeemer. Thou must call on God the Father
in the name of his son and he will open the heavens and
rend the vail that thou mayest see the Son of man stand
on the right hand of Power. Thou hast suffered in former
days by being deprived of friends unto whom thou couldst
unbosom thy mind; thou hast sorrowed in the night season
and in solitary places, no one knew thy sorrow or saw
thy tears but God thy Father be comforted for thy
troubles are over and God will pour out his blessings to
thee. Thou shalt have long life and see good days. Thou
shalt be the Mother of many children they shall be an
ornament to the church of Chrrist. Thy husband shall
be a man of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Let thy heart be comforted and have faith in God and his
word. Thou shalt labour in the Temple of the Lord thy
God. Thou shalt teach thy companions the ways of
righteousness thou shalt have many temporal blessing,
riches shall flow in unto thee and thou shalt rejoice
Sister in the name of Jesus of
Nazareth and by the Power of the Holy Priesthood which
God hath confered upon me I lay my hands on thy head &
place a seal on thy forward and if thou art faithful and
keep the commandments of God NO power shall take it
off it shall be a seal against the destroyer. No blessings
in heaven shall be too great for thee. Thou hast thought
much on thy Redeemer. Thou must call on God the Father
in the name of his son and he will open the heavens and
rend the vail that thou mayest see the Son of man stand
on the right hand of Power. Thou hast suffered in former
days by being deprived of friends unto whom thou couldst
unbosom thy mind; thou hast sorrowed in the night season
and in solitary places, no one knew thy sorrow or saw
thy tears but God thy Father be comforted for thy
troubles are over and God will pour out his blessings to
thee. Thou shalt have long life and see good days. Thou
shalt be the Mother of many children they shall be an
ornament to the Church of Chrrist. Thy husband shall
be a man of Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding.
Let thy heart be comforted and have faith in God and his
word. Thou shalt labour in the Temple of the Lord thy
God. Thou shalt teach thy companions the ways of
righteousness thou shalt have many temporal blessing
riches shall flow in unto thee and thou shalt rejoice
"Journal (December 29, 1833 – January 3, 1838)," April 15, 1837, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed September 14, 2024,