May 26 1896
I arose at 5 oclock took Breakfast at 6 oclok took
carriage rode 3 Miles took cars rode 40 Miles
to Ogden there took carriages for our company
& rode some 18 miles west & visited our New canal
which as the power company we have been Diging for the
farmers to waters their lands it is one of the finest
canals in the western world we have paid out over
$20000 upon it. The Land holders give one Acre of
Land for one Acre of water or sufficient water to
water an Acre. The company has received 2000
Acres of Land up to the present for water we visited one
floom in this canal 1500 feet long 8 feet wide a[nd]
5 feet widehigh on top of timber work All tared inside
Already paid out on it $5,700. We returned to Ogden
Attended a Meeting at the Club House took dinner
then took cars returned to Salt Lake City Distance
of the Day 80 Mles by Rail 38 by carriage total 118 Miles
was weary when I got home did not sleep well
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God is visiting this Nation with Judgment He will Avenge the blood of the Prophets & Saints & fulfill the Testimony of the Prophets & Apostles upon this Nation
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