Day in the Life

Apr 6, 1896

Journal Entry

April 06, 1896 ~ Monday

Monday 6. Met at the office with the Presidency & Twelve
& 7 presidents o[f] the seventies we had a Document read
containing the Doctrins of the Church which was signed
by all the Presidency. The Twelve Apostles & seven Presidents
of the seventies All Except Moses Thatcher He refused
to signed it we Met at the Tabernacle Prayer By McCallister
The Document signed by the Priesthood was read by
Heber J Grant G Q Cannon spoke 36 Minuts
The Authorities of the Church were presented All Except
Moses Thatcher not signeding the Document was not
Presented. John Nickelson spoke 12 M[inutes], John Henry
spoke 18 M[inutes]. We had a large Assembly


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2285 mentions
Grant, Heber Jeddy
22 Nov 1856 - 14 May 1945
276 mentions
McAllister, John Daniel Thompson
19 Feb 1827 - 21 Jan 1910
663 mentions
Smith, John Henry
18 Sep 1848 - 13 Oct 1911
301 mentions
446 mentions


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Letter from James Earnest Duce, 6 April 1896

Hyde Park Elder Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I am willing to fill the mission whare unto i have been Called to the best of my ability, and i will be ready at the date set. May 16 1896 Ernest Duce JWD Hurren Coun to Bp.

Letter from Nels Peter Nelson, 6 April 1896

Pres. Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Bro.: Last Sept. when I recd. notice of a mission to the Southern States, in my reply, stated that my contract here, held me until June; and as such my call came for that mo. Am now informed that schools will close May 8th. As such change has been made; if you desire, I can be prepared to start any date after 15th, of May. Your Bro. Nels P. Nelson.

Discourse 1896-04-06

President Wilford Woodruff delivered the first address at the morning meet- ing. He said in tracing the history of the world we find that God has given to the sons of men the blessing of the priesthood. The people of Israel had the first priesthood as well as those of later days. Jesus Christ, the great high priest, chose his apostles and or- ganized his church. The apostles and disciples were put to death for their faith, until finally the priesthood came home to God and remained there for a length of time. In regard to our own day, the events prophesied are coming to pass. "If the revelations of the prophet had not been fulfilled," he continued, "you nor I would be here. Joseph Smith was the prophet chosen by God to organize the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for this dispensation, and the spread of the Gospel has gone on ever since. Gold, silver and lands may pass away, but the priesthood and salvation never. Individuals have come and gone, but the priesthood remains, and will remain with us until the coming of the Son of Man. I do not pretend to say how many we have in our church today, but we know it is flourishing here and spreading in all parts of the world. Man never had a nobler calling than going out among the people and spreading the gospel of Christ. JOYS OF MISSION WORK. "There is no joy greater than to have your sons receive the priesthood and go out among the nations to preach the gospel. We have been led here to these mountains to carry out the will of God. The blessings we now enjoy are those things which were prophesied ages ago for the latter days. "To the young men and young wo- men I would say they must take up the work of their fathers and mothers and carry on the grand mission. To save one soul is a great thing. I thank God I have lived to see these great multitudes filling these tabernacles and temples. The Lord has been very good to spare me to this day, and I am thankful for it. But other nations are still in the dark. While the priest- hood remains with us it is our duty to spread the gospel among all the chil- dren of men. Nothing should deter us from carrying on our missions. The evil one has waged war against us from the start, but the gospel of Christ has triumphed, and to the divine help we are indebted for the blessings we en- joy today. While we have the power of the priesthood with us we should do all that we can to correspond with the blessings accorded us. There is no greater privilege than to be authorized to go out among the sons of men and preach the gospel. "I feel today that we can rejoice in the blessings we enjoy. People are coming here by thousands to behold the glory of Zion. The spirit of the world has changed, and the hands for- merly turned against us are now ex- tended in welcome support. The time has come when Zion will go forward triumphantly to her glorious destiny. Wherefore I believe we should be the best people, the most righteous and most faithful of all the nations of the earth." PRIESTLY COUNCIL IN POLITICS. The First President closed with an important utterance, albeit it was somewhat oracular. He said he had one thing that he wanted to say on the subject of giving and taking counsel. The apostles had heard the fear ex- pressed that they were giving too much counsel, and various questions were brought up. Especially was the subject of politics discussed. President Woodruff said every man had the right to participate in politics and exercise it. People have a right to political as re- ligious beliefs, and no one should in- terfere with them, provided their re- ligion was of the kind taught by Christ and countenanced by those in authority among the Latter-Day Saints. The apostles of the church had been charged by the Lord with certain du- ties, among them the giving of counsel. There was no man or woman in the church who should not take counsel. Those who give counsel are held re- sponsible for it. If the President should give wrong counsel, God would remove him and put in his place one who would give right counsel, and so with all those in authority. If they were unworthy the Lord would not permit them to occupy high places. Hence this should suffice, and there should be no dis- quietude on the subject.

Circular to the Saints, 6 April 1896

Salt Lake City, . Note—The reason the signature of Apostle Anthon H. Lund does not ap- pear in connection with those of his quorum is because he is absent, pre- siding over the European mission. He however, will be giving the opportunity of appending his signature when he returns home.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash $50 Tithig $5.60 Dividend $60.20 115 80

Letter from Peter Christensen, 6 April 1896

Emery Pres: Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro:— Some time ago my name was handed in for a missionary, with the understanding that, I was to go in early spring. And I have not received any word as yet. I have held my self in readiness from the time my name was sugested, and still feel the same. Not only as a duty: but I feel it a pleasure and an honor. And its the desire of my heart to live in acordance: to all the calls of the Priesthood and be subservient to the oricals [oracles] of God on Earth If not intruding on your most valuable time I would be pleased to know as soon as posible, on acount of my financies. If not wanted before fall, I could act acordingly I can secure work for the summer by applying immediatly I am as ever yours in cause of truth Peter Christensen add Emery, Emery Co Utah Is he not needed in Scandinavia? if so let him be notified to go the first oppor tunity. J. F. S.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Apr 6, 1896