Day in the Life

Apr 30, 1871

Journal Entry

April 30, 1871 ~ Sunday

30. Sunday I met with the people & spoke to them about
one hour, then met with the Teachers in the Afternoon
& entered into arangements to Enter the land. I spent the
night with Brother Arrow Smith


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Letter to Charles Coulson Rich, 30 April 1871
Randolph Brother C. C. Rich I am in Randolph with my 3 Boys & 3 teams. I have been here one week last night have looked over the County, seen my Land & city Lots & am well pleased with it all it is a beautiful situation for a city, in consequence of their not farming & fencing this season south of the creek whare my farming land is Brother Stewart has let me have a farming lot up the canyon & during the week we hunted horses 2 days & cleared 7 Acres of sage land, & ploughed it sowed 3 Acres of wheat, 1 of Barley, 2 of oats, & shall plant one Acres of potatoes tomorrow. I went down the creek fishing trout yesterday with the Bishop. I caught about 20 x 4 weighed 15 lbs I preached an hour to day, & an hour last sunday, so I think I have done well for one week. I have sone 20 posts of fence to make in cooperation ther we shall all


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Apr 30, 1871