Day in the Life

Aug 22, 1868

Journal Entry

August 22, 1868 ~ Saturday

22nd A Plesant Morning we met at 10 oclok for a 2 day
Meeting Prayer By W Woodruff President Young spoke 7 m[inutes]
G A Smith spoke 50, A M Musser 30 Minutes
& W Woodruff spoke 30 15 Minutes The Following is
a synopsis of my sayings

Keys crossed A single key with teeth to the right When I was a youth I Felt that I would have gone
hundreds of Miles to have seen a Prophet of God or
An Apostle or an Elder or any man who was called of God

and inspired of God to Preach the gospel of Christ & could
tell me the true way to be saved now as we travel through the coun-
try we meet thousands of children as well as men & women who
can see Prophets Apostles & Elders by merly walking a few rods
into the streets to greet President Young, the Twelve & others as
we travel through the country it is a good thing for these chil-
dren to come out in procession to Greet the President as he com-
es along through through the country for it will make a good
impression upon there minds one that they will never forget
when these Boys & girls meet together thirty years hence
in 1898 & convers together upon the scenes of this visit
what will be their conversation it will be sumthing like
the following O what a great change has taken place
singce the Prophet Brigham Young & the Apostles visited us in
Logan in 1868. Then it was a New Country with but
few inhabitants not more than ten thousand People in all Cash
, then we had No Tabernacle or Temple in this valley
now we have a great Tabernacle & a great Temple built
on the high Bench of Logan & we can be drawn on the top
of its Towers by machinery whare we can view the glory
of this valley filled with cities & magnificet Palaces &
Towers occupied by one Million of the Saints of God who
can come up to the Temple on Logan Bench & get their
Endowm[en]ts & Blessings in their turn. Then our fields
of grain & gardens were half sunflowers & weed since
then by the commandm[en]t of God no man occupies more
land then he can keep clean of weeds & beautify, then
we had no shade trees in our streets, now our streets
ar adorned with the mulbury tree from which we make
our silk which now adorns our Bodies & the Bodies of our
children, then the Apostle E. T. Benson & Bishop Maughn
Presided over us, since then they have gone with
President Young to& others to Jackson Co Mo to Build the
great Temple & the New Jerrusalem This visit was in
1868 then we were children now it is 1898 & great
changes have taken place since that day throughout

Great Babylon as well as in Mount Zion that year was
the great Election for the Presidency of the United States
Grant & Colfax were the candidates for the Black Repullin
& Seymour & Blair for the Dimocratts, then the Nation
felt strong & Powerful since then it has been broken to peces
That visit was before the destruction of the city of New
By the sea Heaving itself beyong its bounds & washing
the inhabitants into the sea & they were drowned. It was
Before Albany was utterly Destroyed by fire. It was before
Boston was sunk with an Earthquake. It was before
Chicago was struck with lightning & burned with fire &
Brimstone for their Abominations. It was before the many
Millions of the UniPeople of the United States & other Nations
of the Earth were destroyed Bywith their cities By the
Great Judgments of God Because of their great sins &
wickedness in the sight of Heaven & Earth, this was Before the
United States became so weakened & Broaken to peaces that
they called upon Brigham Young to take the Presidency of
the United States to save the Constitution & the remnant of
the Nation from utter destruction. If this will not be
the conversation of those little children 30 yo who were
in the procession with their Banners to welcome the prophet
& Apostles on their Enterance into this City, thirty years
from this it will be sumthing like it.

At the close of the meeting President Young said my remarks
were given By Revelation

Afternoon L Snow Praiyed Joseph F Smith spoke 65 m[inutes]
President Young 37 Minutes At the close of the meeting
some 300 Names were called over to form a Branch of
the School of the Prophets. The Branch was organized By
Appointing E. T. Benson Presid[en]t Bishop Maughn
Vice President A secretary & Treasurer was also app[oi]nted
Prayer By J Taylor President Young spoke upon the
order of the school of the prophets & then dismissed
In the Evening the Band & Quire came & sang & played
some good tunes.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Musser, Amos Milton
20 May 1830 - 24 Sep 1909
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3455 mentions
Apostle, Family
Benson, Ezra Taft
22 Feb 1811 - 3 Sep 1869
379 mentions
Blair, Francis Preston (Jr.)
19 Feb 1821 - 9 Jul 1875
1 mention
Historical Figure
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1435 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
1 mention
Historical Figure
Taylor, John, b. 1808
1 Nov 1808 - 25 Jul 1887
1957 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4132 mentions
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
699 mentions
Apostle, Family
Maughan, Peter
7 May 1811 - 24 Apr 1871
Grant, Ulysses S.
27 Apr 1822 - 23 Jul 1885


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

When I was a youth I Felt that I would have gone hundreds of Miles to have seen a Prophet of God or An Apostle or an Elder or any man who was called of God
~ Wilford Woodruff
and inspired of God to Preach the gospel of Christ & could tell me the true way to be saved now as we travel through the coun- try we meet thousands of children as well as men & women who can see Prophets Apostles & Elders by merly walking a few rods into the streets to greet President Young, the Twelve & others as we travel through the country
~ Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Aug 22, 1868